Refer a Patient
Referring a patient is very easy, just call us and we will take care of the rest. 830.625.7525. Hope Hospice has contracts with most nursing homes in our service area, please call and we can help facilitate the discharge or placement of your patient.
Hospice offers four levels of care, two of which happen at home. The four levels are:
- Routine Home Care. The most common level of hospice care, this includes nursing and home health aide services.
- Continuous Home Care. This is when a patient needs continuous nursing care during a time of crisis.
- General Inpatient Care. Short-term care during times when pain and symptoms can’t be managed without a hospital setting.
- Respite Care. Short-term care in a facility during times when the patient’s caregiver needs a break in caregiving.
Common Conditions:
- Cancer
- Stroke
- Pulmonary Disease
- Neurological Disease (i.e. ALS, Stroke, Parkinson’s)
- Cardiac Disease
- Liver Disease
- Renal Disease
- Alzheimer’s